I am compressing files using WinZip on the command line. Since we archive on a daily basis, I am trying to add date and time to these files so that a new one is auto generat
You can add leading zeroes to a variable (value up to 99) like this in batch:
IF 1%Var% LSS 100 SET Var=0%Var%
So you'd need to parse your date and time components out into separate variables, treat them all like this, then concatenate them back together to create the file name.
However, your underlying method for parsing date and time is dependent on system locale settings. If you're happy for your code not to be portable to other machines, that's probably fine, but if you expect it to work in different international contexts then you'll need a different approach, for example by reading out the registry settings:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\iDate
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\iTime
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\iTLZero
(That last one controls whether there is a leading zero on times, but not dates as far as I know).