From the server I get a datetime variable in this format: 6/29/2011 4:52:48 PM
and it is in UTC time. I want to convert it to the current user’s browser time us
I wrote a nice little script that takes a UTC epoch and converts it the client system timezone and returns it in d/m/Y H:i:s (like the PHP date function) format:
getTimezoneDate = function ( e ) {
function p(s) { return (s < 10) ? '0' + s : s; }
var t = new Date(0);
var d = p(t.getDate()),
m = p(t.getMonth()+1),
Y = p(t.getFullYear()),
H = p(t.getHours()),
i = p(t.getMinutes()),
s = p(t.getSeconds());
d = [d, m, Y].join('/') + ' ' + [H, i, s].join(':');
return d;