How do I get the command-line build tools installed with the current Xcode/Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion) or later?
Unlike Xcode there is no installer, it\'s just a
I recently had to install Xcode command line tools on Mountain Lion over SSH.
Notice: I imagine this process would work identically for any version of Xcode or OSX. Just make sure you get your paths correct.
Here's how I did it...
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Download the "Command Line Tools for Xcode" appropriate for your version of OSX
For me, that was "Command Line Tools (OS X Mountain Lion) for Xcode - April 2014"
Copy the dmg file to your remote
In the following command, I'm using scp to securely copy the file from my local computer to the remote named remote
$ scp ~/Downloads/command_line_tools_for_osx_mountain_lion_april_2014.dmg remote:Downloads/
ssh to your remote
$ ssh remote
mount the dmg file on the remote
Here, I'm using hdiutil to mount the image
$ hdiutil attach ~/Downloads/command_line_tools_for_osx_mountain_lion_april_2014.dmg
install the package contained in the dmg
Here, installer must be run with sudo
because this package needs to be installed on the root file system
$ cd /Volumes/Command\ Line\ Tools\ \(Mountain\ Lion\)
$ sudo installer -pkg Command\ Line\ Tools\ \(Mountain\ Lion\).mpkg -target /
unmount the dmg file
$ hdiutil detach /Volumes/Command\ Line\ Tools\ \(Mountain\ Lion\)
delete the dmg file from the remote; optional
I see no purpose keeping it around, but you can if you want.
$ rm ~/Downloads/command_line_tools_for_osx_mountain_lion_april_2014.dmg