Assume you have some objects which have several fields they can be compared by:
public class Person {
private String firstName;
private String lastN
//here threshold,buyRange,targetPercentage are three keys on that i have sorted my arraylist
final Comparator
sortOrder = new Comparator() {
public int compare(BasicDBObject e1, BasicDBObject e2) {
int threshold = new Double(e1.getDouble("threshold"))
.compareTo(new Double(e2.getDouble("threshold")));
if (threshold != 0)
return threshold;
int buyRange = new Double(e1.getDouble("buyRange"))
.compareTo(new Double(e2.getDouble("buyRange")));
if (buyRange != 0)
return buyRange;
return (new Double(e1.getDouble("targetPercentage")) < new Double(
e2.getDouble("targetPercentage")) ? -1 : (new Double(
e1.getDouble("targetPercentage")) == new Double(
e2.getDouble("targetPercentage")) ? 0 : 1));
Collections.sort(objectList, sortOrder);