I have a datetime
column in MySQL.
How can I convert it to the display as mm/dd/yy H:M (AM/PM) using PHP?
DATE_FORMAT(demo.dateFrom, '%e.%M.%Y') as dateFrom,
DATE_FORMAT(demo.dateUntil, '%e.%M.%Y') as dateUntil
FROM demo
If you dont want to change every function in your PHP code, to show the expected date format, change it at the source - your database.
It is important to name the rows with the as operator as in the example above (as dateFrom, as dateUntil). The names you write there are the names, the rows will be called in your result.
The output of this example will be
[Day of the month, numeric (0..31)].[Month name (January..December)].[Year, numeric, four digits]
Example: 5.August.2015
Change the dots with the separator of choice and check the DATE_FORMAT(date,format) function for more date formats.