Is it possible to add a key to a Python dictionary after it has been created?
It doesn\'t seem to have an .add()
add dictionary key, value class.
class myDict(dict):
def __init__(self):
self = dict()
def add(self, key, value):
#self[key] = value # add new key and value overwriting any exiting same key
if self.get(key)!=None:
print('key', key, 'already used') # report if key already used
self.setdefault(key, value) # if key exit do nothing
## example
myd = myDict()
name = "fred"
print('\n', myd)
print('\n', myd)
myd.add('jack', 7)
print('\n', myd)
myd.add(name, myd)
print('\n', myd)
myd.add('apples', 23)
print('\n', myd)
myd.add(name, 2)