I have a classifieds website, and on the page where ads are showed, I am creating a \"Send a tip to a friend\" form...
So anybody who wants can send a tip of the ad
It's a must to take help of jquery-ajax
in this case. Without ajax
, there is currently no solution.
First, call a JavaScript function when the form is submitted. Just set onsubmit="func()"
. Even if the function is called, the default action of the submission would be performed. If it is performed there would be no way of stoping the page from refreshing or redirecting. So, next task is to prevent the default action. Insert the following line at the start of func()
Now, there will be no redirecting or refreshing. So, you simply make an ajax call from func()
and do whatever you want to do when call ends.
function func(){
var newValue = $('#input-field-id').val();
type: 'POST',
url: '...',
data: {...},
datatype: 'JSON',
success: function(data){...},
error: function(){...},