I\'m trying to use a select statement to get all of the columns from a certain MySQL table except one. Is there a simple way to do this?
EDIT: There are 53 columns i
Im pretty late at throing out an answer for this, put this is the way i have always done it and frankly, its 100 times better and neater than the best answer, i only hope someone will see it. And find it useful
//create an array, we will call it here.
$here = array();
//create an SQL query in order to get all of the column names
//put all of the column names in the array
foreach($conn->query($SQL) as $row) {
$here[] = $row[0];
//now search through the array containing the column names for the name of the column, in this case i used the common ID field as an example
$key = array_search('ID', $here);
//now delete the entry