I have come across this PHP code to check email address using SMTP without sending an email.
Has anyone tried anything similar or does it work for you? Can you tell
function EmailValidation($email)
$email = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(strip_tags($email))); //parse unnecessary characters to prevent exploits
if (eregi('[a-z||0-9]@[a-z||0-9].[a-z]', $email)) {
//checks to make sure the email address is in a valid format
$domain = explode( "@", $email ); //get the domain name
if (@fsockopen ($domain[1],80,$errno,$errstr,3)) {
//if the connection can be established, the email address is probably valid
echo "Domain Name is valid ";
return true;
} else {
echo "Con not a email domian";
return false; //if a connection cannot be established return false
return false; //if email address is an invalid format return false