I would like to know if it is possible to get attributes of the enum
values and not of the enum
itself? For example, suppose I have the following <
For some programmer humor, a one liner as a joke:
public static string GetDescription(this Enum value) => value.GetType().GetMember(value.ToString()).First().GetCustomAttribute() is DescriptionAttribute attribute ? attribute.Description : string.Empty;
In a more readable form:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public static class EnumExtensions
// get description from enum:
public static string GetDescription(this Enum value)
return value.GetType().
GetCustomAttribute() is DescriptionAttribute attribute
? attribute.Description
: throw new Exception($"Enum member '{value.GetType()}.{value}' doesn't have a [DescriptionAttribute]!");
// get enum from description:
public static T GetEnum(this string description) where T : Enum
foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeof(T).GetFields())
if (fieldInfo.GetCustomAttribute() is DescriptionAttribute attribute && attribute.Description == description)
return (T)fieldInfo.GetRawConstantValue();
throw new Exception($"Enum '{typeof(T)}' doesn't have a member with a [DescriptionAttribute('{description}')]!");