JQuery Modal Boxes and Iframe

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名媛妹妹 2020-12-01 06:44

I\'ve been using Simple Modal and i feel it doesn\'t live up to what i need at the moment.

Is there a Modal Box that supports loading external files and allows those

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-01 07:26

    Fancybox is also another option. Works similarly to Thickbox


    It appears after some playing around that the plugin does not natively support closing the Fancybox through an child iframe element. I think that this is certainly achievable with a little effort (I started hacking together something here, although I stress that this was simply a POC and does not work as the button within the iframe removes the fancybox div wrapper from the DOM and therefore does not display when you click the google image again).I am wondering however, if an iframe is the right lines to go down.

    For adding a user, my thought would be that you could present the user with a modal form like the one on the Monster site you get when you click 'Sign In.' Once you click add user, make an AJAX call to your datasource to insert a new user and then on returning success, you could either initiate a page refresh or use AJAX to update the list.

    For editing a user, once a user is selected, you could make an AJAX call with a user id to populate a modal form with the user details retrieved from your data source when the AJAX call returns success. Once you have finished editing the user, make an AJAX call to update your datasource and then again, initiate a page refresh or use AJAX to update the list.

    Instead of the page refresh or final AJAX call in each scenario, you could simply use JavaScript/jQuery to update the list/ list details, depending on whether a user has been added or edited, respectively.
