Is it possible to force garbage collection in Java, even if it is tricky to do? I know about System.gc();
and Runtime.gc();
but they only suggest t
Another options is to not create new objects.
Object pooling is away to reduce the need GC in Java.
Object pooling is generally not going to be faster than Object creation (esp for lightweight objects) but it is faster than Garbage Collection. If you created 10,000 objects and each object was 16 bytes. That's 160,000 bytes GC has to reclaim. On the other hand, if you don't need all 10,000 at the same time, you can create a pool to recycle/reuse the objects which eliminates the need to construct new objects and eliminates the need to GC old objects.
Something like this (untested). And if you want it to be thread safe you can swap out the LinkedList for a ConcurrentLinkedQueue.
public abstract class Pool {
private int mApproximateSize;
private LinkedList mPool = new LinkedList<>();
public Pool(int approximateSize) {
mApproximateSize = approximateSize;
public T attain() {
T item = mPool.poll();
if (item == null) {
item = newInstance();
return item;
public void release(T item) {
int approxSize = mPool.size(); // not guaranteed accurate
if (approxSize < mApproximateSize) {
} else if (approxSize > mApproximateSize) {
public abstract T newInstance();
public abstract void recycle(T item);
public void decommission(T item) { }