I often hear that when compiling C and C++ programs I should \"always enable compiler warnings\". Why is this necessary? How do I do that?
Sometimes I also hear tha
This is a specific answer to C, and why this is far more important to C than to anything else.
int main()
FILE *fp = "some string";
This code compiles with a warning. What are and should be errors in just about every other language on the planet (barring assembly language) are warnings in C. Warnings in C are almost always errors in disguise. Warnings should be fixed, not suppressed.
With gcc
, we do this as gcc -Wall -Werror
This was also the reason for the high rantyness about some MS non-secure API warnings. Most people programming C have learned the hard way to treat warnings as errors and this stuff appeared that just wasn't the same kind of thing and wanted non-portable fixes.