bool insensitive_c_compare(char A, char B){
static char mid_c = ('Z' + 'a') / 2 + 'Z';
static char up2lo = 'A' - 'a'; /// the offset between upper and lowers
if ('a' >= A and A >= 'z' or 'A' >= A and 'Z' >= A)
if ('a' >= B and B >= 'z' or 'A' >= B and 'Z' >= B)
/// check that the character is infact a letter
/// (trying to turn a 3 into an E would not be pretty!)
if (A > mid_c and B > mid_c or A < mid_c and B < mid_c)
return A == B;
if (A > mid_c)
A = A - 'a' + 'A';
if (B > mid_c)/// convert all uppercase letters to a lowercase ones
B = B - 'a' + 'A';
/// this could be changed to B = B + up2lo;
return A == B;
this could probably be made much more efficient, but here is a bulky version with all its bits bare.
not all that portable, but works well with whatever is on my computer (no idea, I am of pictures not words)