How can I generate the name of the month (e.g: Oct/October) from this date object in JavaScript?
var objDate = new Date(\"10/11/2009\");
If you don't mind extending the Date prototype (and there are some good reasons to not want to do this), you can actually come up with a very easy method:
Date.prototype.monthNames = [
"January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September",
"October", "November", "December"
Date.prototype.getMonthName = function() {
return this.monthNames[this.getMonth()];
Date.prototype.getShortMonthName = function () {
return this.getMonthName().substr(0, 3);
// usage:
var d = new Date();
alert(d.getMonthName()); // "October"
alert(d.getShortMonthName()); // "Oct"
These functions will then apply to all javascript Date objects.