I\'ve set up Node.js and Nginx on my server. Now I want to use it, but, before I start there are 2 questions:
We can easily setup a Nodejs app by Nginx acting as a reverse proxy.
The following configuration assumes the NodeJS application is running on,
server_name domain.com sub.domain.com; # multiple domains
location /{
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass_request_headers on;
location /static/{
alias /absolute/path/to/static/files; # nginx will handle js/css
in above setup your Nodejs app will,
header where you can apply domain specific logic to serve the response. 'Your Application must be managed by a process manager like pm2 or supervisor for handling situations/reusing sockets or resources etc.
Setup an error reporting service for getting production errors like sentry or rollbar
NOTE: you can setup logic for handing domain specific request routes, create a middleware for expressjs application