I might have an array that looks like the following:
[1, 4, 2, 2, 6, 24, 15, 2, 60, 15, 6]
Or, reall
You can always use a Dictionary, because a Dictionary can only hold unique values. For example:
var arrayOfDates: NSArray = ["15/04/01","15/04/01","15/04/02","15/04/02","15/04/03","15/04/03","15/04/03"]
var datesOnlyDict = NSMutableDictionary()
var x = Int()
for (x=0;x<(arrayOfDates.count);x++) {
let date = arrayOfDates[x] as String
datesOnlyDict.setValue("foo", forKey: date)
let uniqueDatesArray: NSArray = datesOnlyDict.allKeys // uniqueDatesArray = ["15/04/01", "15/04/03", "15/04/02"]
println(uniqueDatesArray.count) // = 3
As you can see, the resulting array will not always be in 'order'. If you wish to sort/order the Array, add this:
var sortedArray = sorted(datesOnlyArray) {
(obj1, obj2) in
let p1 = obj1 as String
let p2 = obj2 as String
return p1 < p2
println(sortedArray) // = ["15/04/01", "15/04/02", "15/04/03"]