I have a JPanel to which I\'d like to add JPEG and PNG images that I generate on the fly.
All the examples I\'ve seen so far in the Swing Tutorials, specially in the
You can subclass JPanel - here is an extract from my ImagePanel, which puts an image in any one of 5 locations, top/left, top/right, middle/middle, bottom/left or bottom/right:
protected void paintComponent(Graphics gc) {
Dimension cs=getSize(); // component size
if(mmImage!=null) { gc.drawImage(mmImage,(((cs.width-mmSize.width)/2) +mmHrzShift),(((cs.height-mmSize.height)/2) +mmVrtShift),null); }
if(tlImage!=null) { gc.drawImage(tlImage,(insets.left +tlHrzShift),(insets.top +tlVrtShift),null); }
if(trImage!=null) { gc.drawImage(trImage,(cs.width-insets.right-trSize.width+trHrzShift),(insets.top +trVrtShift),null); }
if(blImage!=null) { gc.drawImage(blImage,(insets.left +blHrzShift),(cs.height-insets.bottom-blSize.height+blVrtShift),null); }
if(brImage!=null) { gc.drawImage(brImage,(cs.width-insets.right-brSize.width+brHrzShift),(cs.height-insets.bottom-brSize.height+brVrtShift),null); }