We currently have a crude mechanism to convert numbers to words (e.g. using a few static arrays) and based on the size of the number translating that into an english text. B
/* This program will print words for a number between 0 to 99999*/
public class NumberInWords5Digits {
static int testcase1 = 93284;
public static void main(String args[]){
NumberInWords5Digits testInstance = new NumberInWords5Digits();
String result = testInstance.inWords(testcase1);
System.out.println("Result : "+result);
//write your code here
public String inWords(int num){
int digit = 0;
String word = "";
int temp = num;
if(temp%10 >= 0)
temp = temp/10;
if(num == 0)
return "zero";
if(digit == 1)
word = inTens(num, digit);
else if(digit == 2)
word = inTens(num, digit);
else if(digit == 3)
word = inHundreds(num, digit);
else if(digit == 4)
word = inThousands(num, digit);
else if(digit == 5)
word = inThousands(num, digit);
return word;
public String inTens(int num, int digit){
int tens = 0;
int units = 0;
if(digit == 2)
tens = num/10;
units = num%10;
String unit = "";
String ten = "";
String word = "";
if(num == 10)
{word = "ten"; return word;}
if(num == 11)
{word = "eleven"; return word;}
if(num == 12)
{word = "twelve"; return word;}
if(num == 13)
{word = "thirteen"; return word;}
if(num == 14)
{word = "fourteen"; return word;}
if(num == 15)
{word = "fifteen"; return word;}
if(num == 16)
{word = "sixteen"; return word;}
if(num == 17)
{word = "seventeen"; return word;}
if(num == 18)
{word = "eighteen"; return word;}
if(num == 19)
{word = "nineteen"; return word;}
if(units == 1 || num == 1)
unit = "one";
else if(units == 2 || num == 2)
unit = "two";
else if(units == 3 || num == 3)
unit = "three";
else if(units == 4 || num == 4)
unit = "four";
else if(units == 5 || num == 5)
unit = "five";
else if(units == 6 || num == 6)
unit = "six";
else if(units == 7 || num == 7)
unit = "seven";
else if(units == 8 || num == 8)
unit = "eight";
else if(units == 9 || num == 9)
unit = "nine";
if(tens == 2)
ten = "twenty";
else if(tens == 3)
ten = "thirty";
else if(tens == 4)
ten = "forty";
else if(tens == 5)
ten = "fifty";
else if(tens == 6)
ten = "sixty";
else if(tens == 7)
ten = "seventy";
else if(tens == 8)
ten = "eighty";
else if(tens == 9)
ten = "ninety";
if(digit == 1)
word = unit;
else if(digit == 2)
word = ten + " " + unit;
return word;
//inHundreds(525, 3)
public String inHundreds(int num, int digit){
int hundreds = num/100; // =5
int tensAndUnits = num%100; // =25
String hundred = "";
String tenAndUnit = "";
String word = "";
tenAndUnit = inTens(tensAndUnits, 2);
if(hundreds == 1)
hundred = "one hundred";
else if(hundreds == 2)
hundred = "two hundred";
else if(hundreds == 3)
hundred = "three hundred";
else if(hundreds == 4)
hundred = "four hundred";
else if(hundreds == 5)
hundred = "five hundred";
else if(hundreds == 6)
hundred = "six hundred";
else if(hundreds == 7)
hundred = "seven hundred";
else if(hundreds == 8)
hundred = "eight hundred";
else if(hundreds == 9)
hundred = "nine hundred";
word = hundred + " " + tenAndUnit;
return word;
public String inThousands(int num, int digit){
int thousands = 0;
int hundredsAndOthers = num%1000;
String thousand = "";
String hundredAndOther = "";
String word = "";
if(digit == 5)
thousands = num/1000;
thousand = inTens(thousands, 2);
else if(digit == 4)
thousands = num/1000;
thousand = inTens(thousands, 1);
if(hundredsAndOthers/100 == 0) // in case of "023"
hundredAndOther = inTens(hundredsAndOthers, 2);
hundredAndOther = inHundreds(hundredsAndOthers, 3);
word = thousand + " thousand " + hundredAndOther;
return word;