I feel dumb for having been a web programmer for so long and not knowing the answer to this question, I actually hope it\'s possible and I just didn\'t know about rather tha
Unfortunately, CSS does not provide 'inheritance' in the way that programming languages like C++, C# or Java do. You can't declare a CSS class an then extend it with another CSS class.
However, you can apply more than a single class to an tag in your markup ... in which case there is a sophisticated set of rules that determine which actual styles will get applied by the browser.
CSS will look for all the styles that can be applied based on what your markup, and combine the CSS styles from those multiple rules together.
Typically, the styles are merged, but when conflicts arise, the later declared style will generally win (unless the !important attribute is specified on one of the styles, in which case that wins). Also, styles applied directly to an HTML element take precedence over CSS class styles.