How can I find local IP addresses (i.e. 192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x) in Python platform independently and using only the standard library?
Well you can use the command "ip route" on GNU/Linux to know your current IP address.
This shows the IP given to the interface by the DHCP server running on the router/modem. Usually "" is the IP for local network where "24" means the range of posible IP addresses given by the DHCP server within the mask range.
Here's an example: Note that PyNotify is just an addition to get my point straight and is not required at all
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys , pynotify
if sys.version_info[1] != 7:
raise RuntimeError('Python 2.7 And Above Only')
from subprocess import check_output # Available on Python 2.7+ | N/A
IP = check_output(['ip', 'route'])
Split_Result = IP.split()
# print Split_Result[2] # Remove "#" to enable
notify = pynotify.Notification("Ip", "Server Running At:" + Split_Result[2] , "/home/User/wireless.png")
The advantage of this is that you don't need to specify the network interface. That's pretty useful when running a socket server
You can install PyNotify using easy_install or even Pip:
easy_install py-notify
pip install py-notify
or within python script/interpreter
from pip import main
main(['install', 'py-notify'])