I\'ve written the following JavaScript:
var myArray = [\'a\', \'b\', \'c\'];
var copyOfMyArray = myArray;
copyOfMyArray.splice(0, 1);
alert(myArray); // aler
The issue with shallow copy is that all the objects aren't cloned, instead it get reference.So array.slice(0) will work fine only with literal array, but it will not do shallow copy with object array. In that case one way is..
var firstArray = [{name: 'foo', id: 121}, {name: 'zoo', id: 321}];
var clonedArray = firstArray.map((_arrayElement) => Object.assign({}, _arrayElement));
// [{name: 'foo', id: 121}, {name: 'zoo', id: 321}] // shallow copy