The default version of the webbrowser control in a C# Windows Forms application is 7. I have changed to 9 by the article Browser Emulation, but how is it possible t
You can try this link
var IEVAlue = 9000; // can be: 9999 , 9000, 8888, 8000, 7000
var targetApplication = Processes.getCurrentProcessName() + ".exe";
var localMachine = Registry.LocalMachine;
var parentKeyLocation = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl";
"opening up Key: {0} at {1}".info(keyName, parentKeyLocation);
var subKey = localMachine.getOrCreateSubKey(parentKeyLocation,keyName,true);
subKey.SetValue(targetApplication, IEVAlue,RegistryValueKind.DWord);
return "all done, now try it on a new process".info();
catch(Exception ex)
"NOTE: you need to run this under no UAC".info();