How can I create global variable keep remain values around the life cycle of the application regardless which activity running.
Try Like This:
Create a shared data class:
* Created by kundan on 6/23/2015.
public class Globals {
private static Globals instance = new Globals();
// Getter-Setters
public static Globals getInstance() {
return instance;
public static void setInstance(Globals instance) {
Globals.instance = instance;
private String notification_index;
private Globals() {
public String getValue() {
return notification_index;
public void setValue(String notification_index) {
this.notification_index = notification_index;
Declared/Initiaze an instance of class globally in those classes where you want to set/get data (using this code before onCreate()
Globals sharedData = Globals.getInstance();
Set data:
Get data:
String n = sharedData.getValue();