How do I calculate distance between two GPS coordinates (using latitude and longitude)?
I needed to implement this in PowerShell, hope it can help someone else. Some notes about this method
I'm using Haversine, as other posts have pointed out Vincenty's formulae is much more accurate
Function MetresDistanceBetweenTwoGPSCoordinates($latitude1, $longitude1, $latitude2, $longitude2)
$Rad = ([math]::PI / 180);
$earthsRadius = 6378.1370 # Earth's Radius in KM
$dLat = ($latitude2 - $latitude1) * $Rad
$dLon = ($longitude2 - $longitude1) * $Rad
$latitude1 = $latitude1 * $Rad
$latitude2 = $latitude2 * $Rad
$a = [math]::Sin($dLat / 2) * [math]::Sin($dLat / 2) + [math]::Sin($dLon / 2) * [math]::Sin($dLon / 2) * [math]::Cos($latitude1) * [math]::Cos($latitude2)
$c = 2 * [math]::ATan2([math]::Sqrt($a), [math]::Sqrt(1-$a))
$distance = [math]::Round($earthsRadius * $c * 1000, 0) #Multiple by 1000 to get metres
Return $distance