I am currently using this type of SQL on MySQL to insert multiple rows of values in one single query:
INSERT INTO `tbl` (`key1`,`key2`) VALUES (\'r1v1\',\'r1
You can insert multiple rows in a single query with this function:
function insertMultiple($query,$rows) {
if (count($rows)>0) {
$args = array_fill(0, count($rows[0]), '?');
$params = array();
foreach($rows as $row)
$values[] = "(".implode(',', $args).")";
foreach($row as $value)
$params[] = $value;
$query = $query." VALUES ".implode(',', $values);
$stmt = $PDO->prepare($query);
$row is an array of arrays of values. In your case you would call the function with
insertMultiple("INSERT INTO tbl (`key1`,`key2`)",array(array('r1v1','r1v2'),array('r2v1','r2v2')));
This has the benefit that you use prepared statements, while inserting multiple rows with a single query. Security!