How to pass an array into a SQL Server stored procedure?
For example, I have a list of employees. I want to use this list as a table and join it with another table.
I've been searching through all the examples and answers of how to pass any array to sql server without the hassle of creating new Table type,till i found this linK, below is how I applied it to my project:
--The following code is going to get an Array as Parameter and insert the values of that --array into another table
Create Procedure Proc1
@UserId int, //just an Id param
@s nvarchar(max) //this is the array your going to pass from C# code to your Sproc
declare @xml xml
set @xml = N'' + replace(@s,',',' ') + ' '
Insert into UserRole (UserID,RoleID)
@UserId [UserId], t.value('.','varchar(max)') as [RoleId]
from @xml.nodes('//root/r') as a(t)
Hope you enjoy it