I\'m looking for some kind of formula or algorithm to determine the brightness of a color given the RGB values. I know it can\'t be as simple as adding the RGB values toget
To determine the brightness of a color with R, I convert the RGB system color in HSV system color.
In my script, I use the HEX system code before for other reason, but you can start also with RGB system code with rgb2hsv {grDevices}
. The documentation is here.
Here is this part of my code:
sample <- c("#010101", "#303030", "#A6A4A4", "#020202", "#010100")
hsvc <-rgb2hsv(col2rgb(sample)) # convert HEX to HSV
value <- as.data.frame(hsvc) # create data.frame
value <- value[3,] # extract the information of brightness
order(value) # ordrer the color by brightness