What\'s the best way to count the number of occurrences of a given string, including overlap in Python? This is one way:
def function(string, str_to_search_f
sequence = '1011101111'
sub = "11"
In this particular case:
sum(x == tuple(sub) for x in zip(sequence, sequence[1:]))
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More generally, this
windows = zip(*([sequence[i:] for i, _ in enumerate(sequence)][:len(sub)]))
sum(x == tuple(sub) for x in windows)
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or extend to generators:
import itertools as it
iter_ = (sequence[i:] for i, _ in enumerate(sequence))
windows = zip(*(it.islice(iter_, None, len(sub))))
sum(x == tuple(sub) for x in windows)
You can use more_itertools.locate:
import more_itertools as mit
len(list(mit.locate(sequence, pred=lambda *args: args == tuple(sub), window_size=len(sub))))
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