Is there a Java 8 stream operation that limits a (potentially infinite) Stream
until the first element fails to match a predicate?
In Java 9 we can use
Even I was having a similar requirement -- invoke the web-service, if it fails, retry it 3 times. If it fails even after these many trials, send an email notification. After googling a lot, anyMatch()
came as a saviour. My sample code as follows. In the following example, if webServiceCall method returns true in the first iteration itself, stream does not iterate further as we have called anyMatch()
. I believe, this is what you are looking for.
import io.netty.util.internal.ThreadLocalRandom;
class TrialStreamMatch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if(!IntStream.range(1,3).anyMatch(integ -> webServiceCall(integ))){
//Code for sending email notifications
public static boolean webServiceCall(int i){
//For time being, I have written a code for generating boolean randomly
//This whole piece needs to be replaced by actual web-service client code
boolean bool = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean();
System.out.println("Iteration index :: "+i+" bool :: "+bool);
//Return success status -- true or false
return bool;