What is the prefered method for creating a byte array from an input stream?
Here is my current solution with .NET 3.5.
Stream s;
byte[] b;
using (
The one above is ok...but you will encounter data corruption when you send stuff over SMTP (if you need to). I've altered to something else that will help to correctly send byte for byte: '
using System;
using System.IO;
private static byte[] ReadFully(string input)
FileStream sourceFile = new FileStream(input, FileMode.Open); //Open streamer
BinaryReader binReader = new BinaryReader(sourceFile);
byte[] output = new byte[sourceFile.Length]; //create byte array of size file
for (long i = 0; i < sourceFile.Length; i++)
output[i] = binReader.ReadByte(); //read until done
sourceFile.Close(); //dispose streamer
binReader.Close(); //dispose reader
return output;