I have a bunch of client point of sale (POS) systems that periodically send new sales data to one centralized database, which stores the data into one big database for repor
For those who are scratching their heads to find out why on earth this little function should cause a memory leak, sometimes by a little mistake, a function starts recursively call itself for ever.
For example, a proxy class that has the same name for a function of the object that is going to proxy it.
class Proxy {
private $actualObject;
public function doSomething() {
return $this->actualObjec->doSomething();
Sometimes you may forget to bring that little actualObjec member and because the proxy actually has that doSomething
method, PHP wouldn't give you any error and for a large class, it could be hidden from the eyes for a couple of minutes to find out why it is leaking the memory.