I\'ve seen them both being used in numerous pieces of C# code, and I\'d like to know when to use i++
or ++i
being a number variable
The way the operator works is that it gets incremented at the same time, but if it is before a variable, the expression will evaluate with the incremented/decremented variable:
int x = 0; //x is 0
int y = ++x; //x is 1 and y is 1
If it is after the variable the current statement will get executed with the original variable, as if it had not yet been incremented/decremented:
int x = 0; //x is 0
int y = x++; //'y = x' is evaluated with x=0, but x is still incremented. So, x is 1, but y is 0
I agree with dcp in using pre-increment/decrement (++x) unless necessary. Really the only time I use the post-increment/decrement is in while loops or loops of that sort. These loops are the same:
while (x < 5) //evaluates conditional statement
//some code
++x; //increments x
while (x++ < 5) //evaluates conditional statement with x value before increment, and x is incremented
//some code
You can also do this while indexing arrays and such:
int i = 0;
int[] MyArray = new int[2];
MyArray[i++] = 1234; //sets array at index 0 to '1234' and i is incremented
MyArray[i] = 5678; //sets array at index 1 to '5678'
int temp = MyArray[--i]; //temp is 1234 (becasue of pre-decrement);
Etc, etc...