Say I have an object:
elmo = {
color: \'red\',
annoying: true,
height: \'unknown\',
meta: { one: \'1\', two: \'2\'}
I want to m
Destructuring into dynamically named variables is impossible in JavaScript as discussed in this question.
To set keys dynamically, you can use reduce function without mutating object as follows:
const getSubset = (obj, ...keys) => keys.reduce((a, c) => ({ ...a, [c]: obj[c] }), {});
const elmo = {
color: 'red',
annoying: true,
height: 'unknown',
meta: { one: '1', two: '2'}
const subset = getSubset(elmo, 'color', 'annoying')
Should note that you're creating a new object on every iteration though instead of updating a single clone. – mpen
below is a version using reduce with single clone (updating initial value passed in to reduce).
const getSubset = (obj, ...keys) => keys.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr] = obj[curr]
return acc
}, {})
const elmo = {
color: 'red',
annoying: true,
height: 'unknown',
meta: { one: '1', two: '2'}
const subset = getSubset(elmo, 'annoying', 'height', 'meta')