Java requires that if you call this() or super() in a constructor, it must be the first statement. Why?
For example:
public class MyClass {
I am fairly sure (those familiar with the Java Specification chime in) that it is to prevent you from (a) being allowed to use a partially-constructed object, and (b), forcing the parent class's constructor to construct on a "fresh" object.
Some examples of a "bad" thing would be:
class Thing
final int x;
Thing(int x) { this.x = x; }
class Bad1 extends Thing
final int z;
Bad1(int x, int y)
this.z = this.x + this.y; // WHOOPS! x hasn't been set yet
class Bad2 extends Thing
final int y;
Bad2(int x, int y)
this.x = 33;
this.y = y;
super(x); // WHOOPS! x is supposed to be final