I want to write trycatch
code to deal with error in downloading from the web.
url <- c(
has a slightly complex syntax structure. However, once we understand the 4 parts which constitute a complete tryCatch call as shown below, it becomes easy to remember:
expr: [Required] R code(s) to be evaluated
error : [Optional] What should run if an error occured while evaluating the codes in expr
warning : [Optional] What should run if a warning occured while evaluating the codes in expr
finally : [Optional] What should run just before quitting the tryCatch call, irrespective of if expr ran successfully, with an error, or with a warning
expr = {
# Your code...
# goes here...
# ...
error = function(e){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an error is caught...
warning = function(w){
# (Optional)
# Do this if an warning is caught...
finally = {
# (Optional)
# Do this at the end before quitting the tryCatch structure...
Thus, a toy example, to calculate the log of a value might look like:
log_calculator <- function(x){
expr = {
message("Successfully executed the log(x) call.")
error = function(e){
message('Caught an error!')
warning = function(w){
message('Caught an warning!')
finally = {
message('All done, quitting.')
Now, running three cases:
A valid case
# 2.30258509299405
# Successfully executed the log(x) call.
# All done, quitting.
A "warning" case
# Caught an warning!
# All done, quitting.
An "error" case
# Caught an error!
# All done, quitting.
I've written about some useful use-cases which I use regularly. Find more details here: https://rsangole.netlify.com/post/try-catch/
Hope this is helpful.