Searching the web, it is not clear if Java 8 is supported for Android development or not.
Before I download/setup Java 8, can some one point me at any \"official\" d
Native Java 8 arrives on android! Finally!
remove the Retrolambda plugin and retrolambda block from each module's build.gradle file:
To disable Jack and switch to the default toolchain, simply remove the jackOptions block from your module’s build.gradle file
To start using supported Java 8 language features, update the Android plugin to 3.0.0 (or higher)
Starting with Android Studio 3.0 , Java 8 language features are now natively supported by android:
Also from min API level 24 the following Java 8 API are available:
Add these lines to your application module’s build.gradle to inform the project of the language level:
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
Disable Support for Java 8 Language Features by adding the following to your file:
You’re done! You can now use native java8!