How would it be possible to generate a random, unique string using numbers and letters for use in a verify link? Like when you create an account on a website, and it sends y
You can use this code, I hope it will be helpful for you.
function rand_code($len)
$min_lenght= 0;
$max_lenght = 100;
$smallL = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$number = "0123456789";
$bigB = str_shuffle($bigL);
$smallS = str_shuffle($smallL);
$numberS = str_shuffle($number);
$subA = substr($bigB,0,5);
$subB = substr($bigB,6,5);
$subC = substr($bigB,10,5);
$subD = substr($smallS,0,5);
$subE = substr($smallS,6,5);
$subF = substr($smallS,10,5);
$subG = substr($numberS,0,5);
$subH = substr($numberS,6,5);
$subI = substr($numberS,10,5);
$RandCode1 = str_shuffle($subA.$subD.$subB.$subF.$subC.$subE);
$RandCode2 = str_shuffle($RandCode1);
$RandCode = $RandCode1.$RandCode2;
if ($len>$min_lenght && $len<$max_lenght)
$CodeEX = substr($RandCode,0,$len);
$CodeEX = $RandCode;
return $CodeEX;
Details about Random code generator in PHP