How can I use JUnit4 idiomatically to test that some code throws an exception?
While I can certainly do something like this:
public void testFo
Take for example, you want to write Junit for below mentioned code fragment
public int divideByZeroDemo(int a,int b){
return a/b;
public void exceptionWithMessage(String [] arr){
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array is out of bound");
The above code is to test for some unknown exception that may occur and the below one is to assert some exception with custom message.
public ExpectedException exception=ExpectedException.none();
private Demo demo;
public void setup(){
demo=new Demo();
public void testIfItThrowsAnyException() {
demo.divideByZeroDemo(5, 0);
public void testExceptionWithMessage(){
exception.expectMessage("Array is out of bound");
demo.exceptionWithMessage(new String[]{"This","is","a","demo"});