In my iPhone app, I take a picture with the camera, then I want to resize it to 290*390 pixels. I was using this method to resize the image :
UIImage *newI
extension UIImage {
enum ContentMode {
case contentFill
case contentAspectFill
case contentAspectFit
func resize(withSize size: CGSize, contentMode: ContentMode = .contentAspectFill) -> UIImage? {
let aspectWidth = size.width / self.size.width
let aspectHeight = size.height / self.size.height
switch contentMode {
case .contentFill:
return resize(withSize: size)
case .contentAspectFit:
let aspectRatio = min(aspectWidth, aspectHeight)
return resize(withSize: CGSize(width: self.size.width * aspectRatio, height: self.size.height * aspectRatio))
case .contentAspectFill:
let aspectRatio = max(aspectWidth, aspectHeight)
return resize(withSize: CGSize(width: self.size.width * aspectRatio, height: self.size.height * aspectRatio))
private func resize(withSize size: CGSize) -> UIImage? {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, self.scale)
defer { UIGraphicsEndImageContext() }
draw(in: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: size.width, height: size.height))
return UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
and to use you can do the following:
let image = UIImage(named: "image.png")!
let newImage = image.resize(withSize: CGSize(width: 200, height: 150), contentMode: .contentAspectFill)
Thanks to abdullahselek for his original solution.