What\'s the correct way to communicate between controllers?
I\'m currently using a horrible fudge involving window
function StockSubgro
This is how I do it with Factory / Services and simple dependency injection (DI).
myApp = angular.module('myApp', [])
# PeopleService holds the "data".
angular.module('myApp').factory 'PeopleService', ()->
{name: "Jack"}
# Controller where PeopleService is injected
angular.module('myApp').controller 'PersonFormCtrl', ['$scope','PeopleService', ($scope, PeopleService)->
$scope.people = PeopleService
$scope.person = {}
$scope.add = (person)->
# Simply push some data to service
PeopleService.push angular.copy(person)
# ... and again consume it in another controller somewhere...
angular.module('myApp').controller 'PeopleListCtrl', ['$scope','PeopleService', ($scope, PeopleService)->
$scope.people = PeopleService