I know there are lot of questions of this nature but I need to do this using JavaScript. I am using Dojo 1.8
and have all the attribute info in array, which loo
Here's an Angular friendly version:
constructor(private location: Location, private renderer: Renderer2) {}
download(content, fileName, mimeType) {
const a = this.renderer.createElement('a');
mimeType = mimeType || 'application/octet-stream';
if (navigator.msSaveBlob) {
navigator.msSaveBlob(new Blob([content], {
type: mimeType
}), fileName);
else if (URL && 'download' in a) {
const id = GetUniqueID();
this.renderer.setAttribute(a, 'id', id);
this.renderer.setAttribute(a, 'href', URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([content], {
type: mimeType
this.renderer.setAttribute(a, 'download', fileName);
this.renderer.appendChild(document.body, a);
const anchor = this.renderer.selectRootElement(`#${id}`);
this.renderer.removeChild(document.body, a);
else {