I\'m trying to follow PEP 328, with the following directory structure:
It depends on how you want to launch your script.
If you want to launch your UnitTest from the command line in a classic way, that is:
python tests/core_test.py
Then, since in this case 'components' and 'tests' are siblings folders, you can import the relative module either using the insert or the append method of the sys.path module. Something like:
import sys
from os import path
sys.path.append( path.dirname( path.dirname( path.abspath(__file__) ) ) )
from components.core import GameLoopEvents
Otherwise, you can launch your script with the '-m' argument (note that in this case, we are talking about a package, and thus you must not give the '.py' extension), that is:
python -m pkg.tests.core_test
In such a case, you can simply use the relative import as you were doing:
from ..components.core import GameLoopEvents
You can finally mix the two approaches, so that your script will work no matter how it is called. For example:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __package__ is None:
import sys
from os import path
sys.path.append( path.dirname( path.dirname( path.abspath(__file__) ) ) )
from components.core import GameLoopEvents
from ..components.core import GameLoopEvents