How do I sum tuples in a list where the first value is the same?

前端 未结 4 1354
孤街浪徒 2020-11-30 12:58

I have a list of stocks and positions as tuples. Positive for buy, negative for sell. Example:

p = [(\'AAPL\', 50), (\'AAPL\', -50), (\'RY\', 100), (\'RY\',          

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-11-30 13:34

    I would do this using collections.Counter:

    In [2]: from collections import Counter
    In [3]: c = Counter()
    In [4]: for k, v in p:
       ...:     c[k] += v
    In [5]: c
    Out[5]: Counter({'AAPL': 0, 'RY': 57})

    Then you can call the most_common method of Counter objects to get a list of tuples sorted by the values in descending order.

    In [5]: c.most_common()
    Out[5]: [('RY', 57), ('AAPL', 0)]

    In case you need to sort tuples by their first elements, use sorted(c.items()):

    In [6]: sorted(c.items())
    Out[6]: [('AAPL', 0), ('RY', 57)]
