Is the property text-align: center;
a good way to center an image using CSS?
img {
text-align: center;
To center a non background image depends on whether you want to display the image as an inline (default behavior) or a block element.
Case of inline
If you want to keep the default behavior of the image's display CSS property, you will need to wrap your image inside another block element to which you must set text-align: center;
Case of block
If you want to consider the image as a block element of its own, then text-align
property does not make a sens, and you should do this instead:
IMG.display {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
The answer to your question:
Is the property text-align: center; a good way to center an image using CSS?
Yes and no.
property: and may be you would not like this side effect.References