We have the question is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C?
What\'s the answer for C++?
The performance difference between ++i
and i++
will be more apparent when you think of operators as value-returning functions and how they are implemented. To make it easier to understand what's happening, the following code examples will use int
as if it were a struct
increments the variable, then returns the result. This can be done in-place and with minimal CPU time, requiring only one line of code in many cases:
int& int::operator++() {
return *this += 1;
But the same cannot be said of i++
Post-incrementing, i++
, is often seen as returning the original value before incrementing. However, a function can only return a result when it is finished. As a result, it becomes necessary to create a copy of the variable containing the original value, increment the variable, then return the copy holding the original value:
int int::operator++(int& _Val) {
int _Original = _Val;
_Val += 1;
return _Original;
When there is no functional difference between pre-increment and post-increment, the compiler can perform optimization such that there is no performance difference between the two. However, if a composite data type such as a struct
or class
is involved, the copy constructor will be called on post-increment, and it will not be possible to perform this optimization if a deep copy is needed. As such, pre-increment generally is faster and requires less memory than post-increment.