Table is:
| Id | Name |
| 1 | aaa |
| 1 | bbb |
| 1 | ccc |
| 1 | ffffd |
| 1 | eee |
There is very new functionality in Azure SQL Database and SQL Server (starting with 2017) to handle this exact scenario. I believe this would serve as a native official method for what you are trying to accomplish with the XML/STUFF method. Example:
select id, STRING_AGG(name, ',') as abc
from temp1
group by id
EDIT: When I originally posted this I made mention of SQL Server 2016 as I thought I saw that on a potential feature that was to be included. Either I remembered that incorrectly or something changed, thanks for the suggested edit fixing the version. Also, pretty impressed and wasn't fully aware of the multi-step review process that just pulled me in for a final option.