It\'s easy to find duplicates with one field:
SELECT name, COUNT(email)
FROM users
GROUP BY email
HAVING COUNT(email) > 1
So if we have
If you wish to see if there is any duplicate rows in your table, I used below Query:
create table my_table(id int, name varchar(100), email varchar(100));
insert into my_table values (1, 'shekh', '');
insert into my_table values (1, 'shekh', '');
insert into my_table values (2, 'Aman', '');
insert into my_table values (3, 'Tom', '');
insert into my_table values (4, 'Raj', '');
Select COUNT(1) As Total_Rows from my_table
Select Count(1) As Distinct_Rows from ( Select Distinct * from my_table) abc