Trying to find some simple SQL Server PIVOT examples. Most of the examples that I have found involve counting or summing up numbers. I just want to pivot some string data.
I had a situation where I was parsing strings and the first two positions of the string in question would be the field names of a healthcare claims coding standard. So I would strip out the strings and get values for F4, UR and UQ or whatnot. This was great on one record or a few records for one user. But when I wanted to see hundreds of records and the values for all usersz it needed to be a PIVOT. This was wonderful especially for exporting lots of records to excel. The specific reporting request I had received was "every time someone submitted a claim for Benadryl, what value did they submit in fields F4, UR, and UQ. I had an OUTER APPLY that created the ColTitle and the value fields below
FOR ColTitle in([F4], [UR], [UQ])