From this original question, how would I apply a sort on multiple fields?
Using this slightly adapted structure, how would I sort city (ascending) & then price (
Wow, there are some complex solutions here. So complex I decided to come up with something simpler but also quite powerful. Here it is;
function sortByPriority(data, priorities) {
if (priorities.length == 0) {
return data;
const nextPriority = priorities[0];
const remainingPriorities = priorities.slice(1);
const matched = data.filter(item => item.hasOwnProperty(nextPriority));
const remainingData = data.filter(item => !item.hasOwnProperty(nextPriority));
return sortByPriority(matched, remainingPriorities)
.sort((a, b) => (a[nextPriority] > b[nextPriority]) ? 1 : -1)
.concat(sortByPriority(remainingData, remainingPriorities));
And here is an example of how you use it.
const data = [
{ id: 1, mediumPriority: 'bbb', lowestPriority: 'ggg' },
{ id: 2, highestPriority: 'bbb', mediumPriority: 'ccc', lowestPriority: 'ggg' },
{ id: 3, mediumPriority: 'aaa', lowestPriority: 'ggg' },
const priorities = [
const sorted = sortByPriority(data, priorities);
This will first sort by the precedence of the attributes, then by the value of the attributes.